Providing Great Prices and High Service Quality Since 1988
A DAF Tank is usually found in a food manufacturing facility designed to trap all food waste such as: fats, oils, grease and solids from entering the city sanitary system. Its size is typically 5,000 gallons and above located outside the manufacturing tank. These tanks are typically serviced on a weekly basis at a minimum depending on the amount of waste it collects. DAF Tank content will typically consist of solids, water and grease. These tanks will contain a skimmer in which is designed to skim off the grease residing on top of the device. Within hours or days the grease will rise and the container in which the grease will rest in will need to be pumped out. Failing to pump out the grease in a timely manner can cause a bad overflow. Therefore, it is imperative for the DAF to be constantly monitored to provent these unwanted event to occur.
DAF Tanks and Clarifiers contain inedible waste such was water, food solids, sludge, and grease.
DAF tanks also known as clarifiers are usually installed for food manufactures due to the fact that they are in constant production throughout the day. DAF Tanks or clarifiers will vary in sizes ranging from 5,000 gallons and above. DAF tanks are constantly operating throughout the day along with the current production. Pumping of a the device can vary from daily pumping or weekly depending on the amount of waste that the facility is producing. Though, the tank does not have to be completely emptied on a daily basis, we highly suggest for a complete pump out of the tank at least every quarter. To get more information about DAF / clarifier pumping and cleaning call our office today at 888-800-0118.
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